venerdì 26 dicembre 2008

Unusual, secret Tuscany

Unusual, secret Tuscany is a book, published by Jonglez, that addresses at tourists who want to discover a non-postcard Tuscany and at those who live in Tuscany and think they know all the places in which they live. It is not like a traditional tourist guide, so if you are planning holidays in Tuscany will do better to rely on travelers' canonical bible Lonely Planet with his valuable advice, but if you want to walk out of the beaten track, then this book is for you.

I accidentally discovered on the shelves of Feltrinelli, the title intrigued me, so I peeled and I noticed that there are many small details of monuments and corners of cities like Florence and Siena that I know quite well that to date I had escaped.

Two examples of all: on some buildings in the center of Florence you can see strange openings similar to the doors but large as windows (like that of the next photo), having formerly a particular function, while on the left side of the Cathedral of Siena was carved a square formed by written Palindrome (SATORI AREP TENET OPERA rotas) which has cryptic and multiple interpretations, esoteric, alchemists, numerology. A palindrome like this in Siena was found on a square column in Pompeii, and then dated no later than 79 AD.

If you're curious at this point to know what the mysterious Florentine doors are and you want to discover the meaning of Siena Palindrome there remains that read Unusual, secret Tuscany.

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